
Help with basketball?

by Guest33552  |  earlier

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I have a question about basketball. Ok let's say someone threw or passed the ball to me. I dribble a little, then pick up the ball. Then you can't dribble again or like walk with the ball in your hands right? Ok so then wut do u do to move a round a little? Isn't there something called a pivet foot that you can use to move around or something? So what do you do to move around or get the ball to your team if someone is blocking you or something?




  1. do not move your pivet foot they will call travel

  2. okay when you pick up the ball after your dribble you cannot dribble again or it is a travel/double dribble. you CAN move around though but one foot has to stay planted on the ground and thats called your pivot foot. you use this to fake out other players or to create space for you to shoot or pass to someone else

  3. Once you pick up your dribble your pivot foot must stay on the ground at all times. The only way you can get that foot off the ground again is by getting the ball out of your hands by either a pass or a shot. If you move that pivot foot, it will be a travel. If you dribble again it will be a double dribble.
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