
Help with being friends with a 'just friend' friend....?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so there is this guy...we used to be friends back in sophmore year. we talked about a ton of stuff and thought eachother was really cool. but then some drama went down and our friendship fell apart. it all had to do with stupid rumors a boy started with me....anyways, names were called, and stuff like that. but last year (jr year) i confronted him about it and he said that he was sorry for what he did and that 'the past was the past' and that he was cool being friends again....but the thing is...we NEVER talk to eachother! its senior year now and its my last chance to be friends with him again...but there is one problem...i kinda like him as more than a friend. and i have ever since sophmore year...but the thing is...i still just want to be JUST FRIENDS. whether he likes me likes me or doesnt like me that way, i still just want to be friends. and he knows that i think hes way shy and so i dont have the courage to go up to him in the halls and say hi (and plus hes also with his friends most of the time, which makes it even harder to talk to him) when i do talk to him, i get all shy, not only cause hes cute, but because its awkward knowing the drama that went on between us...when we pass eachother in the halls, we both glimpse at eachother for a sec and then look down. with no words spoken....

any advice on how i can talk to him without acting like im flirting or acting really shy? or any advice at all on the situation? is there anyway to get him to talk to me?

anything to help me please!





  1. talk on myspace or aim if you have it  

  2. Drama.... I really didn't finish reading the whole thing. Usually when someone is desperate to be just friends they are usually not admitting to that fact they would like more. Friendship should happen naturally. Just forget about it, be friendly when you see him. Don't go out of your way to run into him or stand next to him. Find other interests. Your non-interest will attract him faster than anything else, and if not....HE'S JUST NOT INTO YOU

  3. maybe he does like u but he feels the same shyness u do..just ask him.

    plz help me?;...

  4. That sounds so cute! XD

    BE flirty

    BE shy

    h**l think your really cute, i know he will!!

  5. okay what you need to do is stop being so shy. i know its hard and thats who you are but you just need suck it up. guys like outgoing girls, they like when the girl makes the first move. so just start by saying hey when you see him. it might be awkward but who cares. then be like hey hows it going to spark a conversation. he'll like it. i used to be that way to, id see a guy id like and pretend i didnt see him. now i just walk up to any guy, even if i dont know them, and say hey whats up? guyslike being persued.

    i know how you feel though with the whole "friend" thing. your just gonna have to get past the feeling and actually talk to him first. you never know, he might like you too! :))

    try talking to him about something he would like. ask him if he saw the baseball game last night. and if you dont watch the baseball just look upthe highlights on the internet and be like yeah i saw that out or what not. get him interested in a conversation and then maybe be like "hey we should party sometime" or "hey we should hang out sometime like we used to!"

    youll never know till you try! :))

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