
Help with best acting tips?

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i need them, i want the best simplest ones you have.




  1. lucas m is rite

  2. I agree with Maliboo...successful acting is not necessarily in the 'method' but the timing and reaction to whomever you are on stage with.  Feel the dialogue and immerse yourself in the character.

  3. sign up at theyll be your own personal "coach" kinda...send you lots of stuff, read it.

  4. study your character, do you research. find out why he/she reacts in a particular way. learn your lines so you can really delve into the meaning, passion, and way you think your character would say them. use your imagination to create the character in your mind so (in a way) it becomes so real he/she could jump out of your imagination and be a living being through you.

    use little nuances, gestures, tones, glances, etc. to make you character come alive.

    i hope this helps!!!

    i agree with louise.

  5. I agree with Lucas M.

  6. Just be the character, dont think the lines over too much.

    Say it like you mean it.

    Believe what your saying.


  7. Acting is Re-Acting. You need to listen to who you are communicating with on stage and re-act to them.

    If you are running lines, don't do them only one way. Your acting will appear stale.

    If you can feel what the character is feeling, great. But sometimes that is tough at an audition, so just make it happen. One of the most respected young actors today told me he makes himself cry at auditions by pulling a nose hair. = )

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