
Help with better tortoise????

by Guest55837  |  earlier

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I am either going to get a hermann's tortoise or a greek..which 1 is smaller???which 1 requires more care and overall which is the best 1??i am planning on geting a hatchling and keeping it in a 10 gallon with proper accessories and there is a background and lining on the side so dont freak out saying it will stress im either geting the hermanns tortoise from or the greek from lllreptiles so which 1 is better and how much humidity and things do they need??anything else is should know???




  1. a Herman would be better the Greek tortoises can sometimes be difficult to care for, they are more sensitive to changes and the slightest thing can make them ill (not all the time but sometimes), as for keeping a tortoise in a tank, it is not a suitable option, it is good you have though about the tortoise but a tank is more geared to height rather than the floor space a tortoise needs it does not have enough airflow and can hold too much moisture, which can lead to respiratory infections and even shell rot, investing in a tortoise table will keep your tortoise much happier and healthier, if you do insist on a tank then you need at least a 20 gallon tank for a tortoise to be happy even a juvenile likes space to move around, here is the site for the tortoise trust it has some great articles on tortoise keeping and is really useful for information, on the care of tortoises, best of luck with your new tortoise

  2. well i dont keep torts but i will saw this hold fire on getting one for a few weeks while u do some research on the individual species.

    dont take the word of people on here as gospel buy some books surf the web etc

    a 10 gallon probably wont hold your tort for long are u sure u have enough room for an animal that needs a 6foot viv when they get to full grown

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