
Help with bird?

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i was wondering if caulk was bad for birds..PLEASE HELP!! my parakeets are getting a new cage made..but it requires caulk..real answers plz..and if u can help anyother cage ideas?




  1. I would not use it. There are many other ways to build a cage. or buy one at local pet store. I wouold also make sure the wire or cage material you use not have lead or zinc in it as they do chew on things and can get heavy metal toxic.

  2. Why does it require caulk? I'd say buy a cage from the pet store. You really should not use caulk if you think for one minute that it could hurt or kill your birds.

  3. Anything like caulk the Parakeets will probably try to eat, it will probably make them sick.  Unless you are building a big Aviary, I would not recommend building one, if you are you  will have to find a way not to have caulk or anything like it You will also have to be sure the wire size will not allow them to get their heads stuck.
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