
Help with bird questions!?

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My mom is considering getting a pair of birds(probably budgies) to put in the lobby of their vet clinic for people to look at. Somebody told me they aren't scared of dogs(it's a dog and cat clinic) so would they be ok if they have each other?

Also we were researching on different birds last night and we read they have to have vitamin d3 from the sun. the only possible space we could put them next to a window, the window is really up high so i don't think it would help much. Is there another way we could give them d3 or do they really need it? Basically my mom is scared they might die, but i told her they shouldn't die that easily.

Please help. We were wanting budgies because they're supposedly not too loud, don't need a lot of human interation and are easy to take care of.

Thanks :)




  1. I think that is a good idea, but as said before, just don't put the cage too low. and if you see the bird(s) getting scared, throw a towel or blanket over the cage. this will make the bird feel safe and secure! and a word of advice, dont put the cage with the birds in it at the clinic for the first day you get them. give them time to adjust to the surroundings, and then out them in the clinic. so wait about 2-3 days. or, you could put them in the lobby saturday and sunday because normally those days are closed, so they can get used to the lobby as a home.

  2. Seriously no matter where she puts them they won't die unless she neglects to feed, water and clean up after them. Otherwise I see no problem what so ever with her putting them anywhere she wants to in the vet's office.

  3. Well I've had parakeets (aka budgies) ever since i was two, an none of them have really needed sunlight. But it is recommended to give them some sunlight, even though it is just a little. Also if you can try putting a heater for reptiles near their cage in the winter and a lamp so it still feels like they're in australia (that' where they came from originally)

    Also a little hint: Budgies are most loud and lively in the morning and evening, so be prepared. And they do need at least an hour of interaction every two days, which means around half an hour of talking to them and singing and training. They kinda remind me of dogs, only smaller.

    And last thing. It really depends on what kind of budgie you get on how they will handle dogs and cats. I have this green one that has lasted almost nine years now and another one who has lasted three. They both saw at least five dogs roaming around the house, one of them was a hunter, and they all got along fine. But a yellow one i got that recently pasted away :-( was very scared of my two dogs that i own now. (by the way yes they are very easy to take care of, just make sure you give them plenty of food and water and clean their cage every so often!)  So I think that green budgies are the way to go, and i prefer male because females tend to be more aggressive and don't get along with dogs that easily.

    Good luck with your new budgies, and have fun with them!!

  4. budgies will be fine around cats and dogs, just make sure they're not low enough for any cats to get a hold of b/c they can get stressed easily and die after an injury.

    If you are concerned about them getting sun exposure, you can purchase a sun lamp that's made for birds. You can check them out on the Drs Foster and Smith website.

  5. I would call the avian vet. There may be a supplement. I dont know about birds, but humans need sunlight to help synthasize vit. d.

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