
Help with birds?

by  |  earlier

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my birds( wich we have had for about a year and a half) had an egg we found it at the bottom of the cage we dont know how long its been there wat do we do without harming it, and we dont have a nest in there helppppp please




  1. My female birds also do lay eggs. There is no baby bird inside  (trust me) so what i do is just throw them away.

  2. If you're looking to help your birds hatch an egg, go to your local bird store. They will have nesting boxes and nesting material that the mama birds will use (or you can get them online). Unfortunately, it may be too long unattended for this particular egg, but if she layed one and is interested, she'll lay another. Of course, you'll have to have one male and one female in order for a chick to hatch...I'm assuming this is the case...or do you not know what s*x they are? Females will lay eggs, fertilized, or no, but won't always sit on them unless they have a nest. Hope this helps?

  3. Female birds who are sexually mature will lay eggs even though they have never been with a male. It is not fertelized and can be thrown away just fine :)
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