
Help with bitting my horse!

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Does anyone know anytjing about a waterford bit? My horse has a very soft mouth, and went GORGEOUSLY in this bit, but some people says it's harsh, other say it's mild. I don't want to put a harsh bit in his mouth when he obviously doesn't need one. Any info or experiences with this bit mouthpiece?




  1. there are multiple waterford bits here are some and their info.

    just go to... and search waterford bits or just go to any online tack store like , , or

    mabye web search them at google, yahoo search or any others.

    Hope this helps and you can e-mail me for any other questions and i will help you to the extent of my knowledge!

  2. Arabian uses a Waterford.

    I consider it in between. My Arabian would run straight through a regular snaffle...but he would act like a nut in a harsh bit. It gave us just enough control without making him mad and frustrated.  

    I also used the bit on a VERY downhill Appendix QH...without that bit he would have NEVER listened. He wouldn't respond to a normal snaffle but the Waterford gave him just enpough he would listen, but not to much,

    If your horse went gorgeous in it continue with it. Some horses do better in buts than others, but it sounds liek you found the right bit :)

    Don't worry about it being harsh...because it isn't. Both of the horses I was talking about a very LAZY that is why they needed a stronger bit...but not to strong. They needed something to "wake them up" and get them off there forehand/digging into the bit to strech out but it wasn't like we needed something that was going to stop them on a dime when they take off...because they didn't/wouldn't lol


    Oh, and just to clarify this is the one I I see there are a few diffrent kinds :)

  3. The Waterford is a severe bit because all of those ridges on the mouthpiece - they create pressure points on the tongue. Imagine tiny little fingers giving quick, hard pinches that raise goosebumps on your skin - that's what happens to his tongue when he even thinks about 'coming on to' this bit. That's why it works so well to break leaners and tuggers of the habit. That, and its flexible design that hinders the horse's ability to grab a hold of it. If you want something similar but mild try a full cheek cherry roller bit; it's designed for the exact same reason, but does not have the pinching/multiple pressure points on the horse's tongue due to the smooth, round design of the cherry rollers as opposed to all of the ridges and gaps of a traditional waterford...

  4. If you have soft hands it shouldn't matter. And honestly why change your bit if your horse goes fine in that one?

  5. listen to Freedom Rider, they hit this one right on the head. sure, any bit can be harsh in the wrong hands, but some bits are harsh from the beginning. its not intensely severe, but your horse probably doesnt need the control it offers. you wouldnt put a mule bit (the ones made of bike chain) in his mouth would you? although its not quite that bad, it still uses some of the same pressure points. the reason your horse gets on the bit like he does is probably because he's not comfortable, so he's trying to get away from it. but then again, it may be just the bit for him, and it may be perfect for him. it's impossible to know without a video of him moving in the bit. listen to your horse; if he's telling you he's hurting, then change the bit. if he's not, then dont change it. it doesnt really sound like he needs the control of this bit, so if i were you i would try something different. maybe try a happy mouth french link?  i'm trying to think of bits that are mild but have a similar effect of the waterford... anyway, good luck with him! just listen, and he'll tell you how he likes it! =]

  6. Why change the bit when you say your horse is doing so well with the waterford. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  7. Listen to Freedom Rider.

  8. i was trying to remember to ask this SAME question, some people consider it mean but the way i see it, it is a fulling jointed but.. so no poking his palate.  Its a rather thick mouthpiece so no hurting his lips.. so i don't see whats wrong with it!

    Maybe it gets the "mean" reputations since it promotes horses that lean on the bit to stop (since they don't really have anything to lean on)  so people assume since it fixed the problem it must be harsh?

    I dunno.. but you get a star and i want to see what others say!

    interesting stuff to read...

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