
Help with boys girls or guys can answer just i need help!?

by  |  earlier

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k this is a bit embarrasing to ask about but i have already 2 bf's but i could never talk to them! i would say hi then he wuld say hi but then i wuld get all quite help! this happens all the time im only good talking to them when my friends are with me but somtimes i wanna be alone with them but i cant talk!




  1. Don't feel embarrassed.  That's perfectly normal.

    Just try to think of topics to bring up, and hopefully that with led to a conversation.

    Like ask about school or work or how his day was.

    Then something he says may remind you or something that happened to you or you watched on TV then you can bring that up; keeping the conversation rolling.

  2. break through the comfort zone your in. start a text or ask them in person how they are doing. start sitting with them and always smiling and flirting.

  3. How about this, before you get into a situation that you will be alone with them, have a topic on hand to talk about, find a way to get him talking, then you just have to come up with then next question.  Tell him your a little shy when its just the two of you but your really trying to overcome that.

  4. give them sign language.

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