
Help with broadband?

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help with broadband

i want to know who to contact about geting broadband where i live

the problem is i want to get adsl but there is no line where i live i have ask contacted Telstra about getting a adsl line

but said because there is only two houses on my street we don't need adsl line put in they said if we want adsl we have to come up with $200,000 then they put a line in which i think is unfair how am i supposed come with that much money

so my question is who do i contact about my problem which part of the govment do i contact

thank to who ever can help

p.s. we can not get 3g wireless internet

and i live qld land australia




  1. while the internet has become more important in our daily lives, it is not considered a "utility" and is not "essential" as phone, electric, and gas are.

    no company is REQUIRED to provide any level of data service if they do not feel that the investment will not pay off... you mentioned that there are only 3 houses in your area... obviously 3 homes will not produce enough revenue, even if they all subscribe to the highest tier of service and pay there bills on time, to even break even for the investment required to provide the service for you.

    check to see if you can get broadband with a cable provider.

    how many cellular providers have you checked with for EV-DO or EDGE service?

    satellite is the most expensive, and slowest of the broadband technologies, but if you live in the middle of no where it may be your only option....

    unless you want to spend the money for a T-1 or fractional T-1

  2. perform a search for your area for high speed ISP

  3. I have 2 options for you

    A) go threw some type of cell provider with a Data plan. ex. where im at we have this cell provider called Verizon. From them for 80 a month I have this little USB like, plug in guy. Its tiny. I have internet everywhere I go.

    B) Satellite!!

    I'm not sure what companies are carried over to Australia or the location in Australia your in, but if you know of some cell phone and satellite providers names you can give me, I'll look some stuff up for you
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