
Help with bs?

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I want to buy a bathing suit for summer, but I have some unwanted belly fat. I am 5' 4" and 157 lbs. Any suggestions? Pictures? ANYTHING!?




  1. try losing some wait, no offense, but i'm pretty sure you've tried, everyone with unwanted belly fat has tried.  all you have to do is excersize more, maybe a training class, and you can slim down really fast. you just have to eat right, alot of fruit and vegies, and less cookies, i had to do the same thing, i just stopped eating cookies, it helped alot!!!!!! i got hooked on fiber one yogurt and yoplait light yogurt, it helped alot, lost 1-2 pounds a week, sometimes more!!! good luck! oh, and its easier if you have a friend that may have unwanted fat and you compete to see who can lose more weight in a certain period of time. thats what me and my friend wins, the factor of competeing made it easier to lose weight because you don't want to lose against them. also, have if you lose, you have to do something for them, or if you win, they have to do something for you, its a good way to do it because you don't want to lose or do that thing for your friend, like laundry for two weeks, or something you don't want to do.  good luck

  2. get those bathing  tops when its like a and its tankie flowy
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