
Help with building manmade small yard pond

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ok so me and my buddies tried to build like 3 by 2 feet long pond sorta thing in my woods, we lined it with garbage bags and layed them like flat and put lots of pebbles at the bottom, we got like 9 fish in their that we caught today, the water was sort of sinking a couple times we had to keep refilling it, dont lecture me on about the fish if someone could just tthrow me a couple ideas or tips on how to maybe line it better something oh and it likes about 6 inch deep which i know is kinda small but anyway thanks i appreciate it




  1. Trash bags won't work.  You need a rubber liner.

    This should help, if you want to go to the trouble.

  2. If you want a free liner, try asking any roofers you know for that waterproof lining they use on rooves.  I got my buddy to give me the lining they were throwing out on this job they were doing, and I cut it to the size of my pond (it's like an inch thick of rubber) and it works really well.  

  3. You need thick pond liner, you can pick it up in most DIY stores and pond specialists. For your pond it will be very cheap

  4. You need pond liner. If you use other types of rubber or plastic, you may kill the fish with the chemicals in the plastic. That is why real pond liner is expensive. It is no-toxic.

    Fish are sensitive to water acidity as well, so you should get a kit from a fish/pet store to test the water and balance it.  

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