
Help with child wetting himself?

by Guest33500  |  earlier

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My 11 year old nephew has been experiencing alot of moments lately where he is wetting himself uncontrollably. Background is that he was born with a faulty heart and takes daily medication for it. Also, he has a severe speach impediment due to a surgery that was performed on him when he was young. But, just today, he wet himself three times within one hour. And, he never bothered to change his clothing, or even think that there was a problem. Does anyone know if there might be a medical problem that should be addressed - such as nerve damage that would make it impossible to feel the sensation of having the need to urinate?




  1. His parents need to take him to the doctor to see if there is a medical issue. Also, since he has speech problems, he might be doing this because he is frustrated about something and can't express himself. Have there been any major changes in his life (Or things that seem minor to others around him?)

  2. Tell his parents to take him to the doctor. Make sure that they know the why he's having these accidents. Since he's wetting, he should be wearing either pampers cruisers size 7, or pull-ups too stop the wetting his clothes.

  3. some kids take awhile to grow out of this...i had a son that did this at night...he needs to see his dr to see if he has something going on....

  4. he should go to a dr. and until then underjams or something

  5. Does he have any attention issues?  I know with kids like that they tend not to recognize bodily signs.  However that many accidents make me wonder if isn't something medically going on.  Only a doctor is qualified to offer opinions on this matter so he should be seen as soon as possible.  If the doctor rules out medical problems then get the big kids pull ups so that at least when he has an accident he won't soil his clothes.

  6. My brother had a problem with wetting the bed when he was like 9. They took him to the doctor and he got meds for it and it just stopped. The doctor said it was from his nerves werent sending the signals to the brain because the nerves were not fully developed. Good Luck!

  7. His parents should take him to his pediatrician for a complete physical.  Urinating 3 times within an hour is too much (and not realizing that he needed to change is troubling).  All of his issues should be discussed with his doctor.

    11 years old is a tough age, kids can be very cruel.  Especially when it comes to toileting issues.

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