I need some ideas for my 9 y/o son. He's a very bright child who, when something interests him, soaks up as much information on that subject as he can. If he's researched it he's like an encyclopidia on the subject.That's wonderful; except that he takes it to an extreme. It's litterly ALL he wants to talk about with any and everyone who will listen. His teachers have pointed out, and I have noticed on my own as well, that this is becoming a problem socially and accedemically. The other kids won't have much to do with him because they think he's "weird" and he only wants to talk about what interests him NON STOP. It's also effecting him in the classroom because if he's not interested in what's being taught he won't pay attention and is disruptive. For example; the teacher will ask a math question and he respond with; "Did you know ___". I need him to understand that while it's great he's so informed, he needs to be able to talk about other things and pay attention in class.