
Help with child with ADD (or not)?

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My son was diagnosed by his doctor as ADD, He is extremely inattentive and is constantly losing things. He has most of the "classic symptoms" as his Dr. said, of ADD. I do not believe there is such a thing, and I REFUSE to put him on any prescription medication. Does anyone have any suggestions for helping him focus and calm down? I have heard of some natural supplements that have helped. Has anyone had any experience with those? If so, which ones? Thanks for the help! (PS. I have already started changing his diet to include less sugar, more fruits and veggies)




  1. omega 3 promotes focus etc try that. works for me.

  2. omega 3 together with evening primrose oil is said to be good.

  3. Well, L-Theanine is derived from the green tea plant I take it for anxiety It calms you down but, doesn't make you out of it. Stay away from Kava Kava it's bad for the liver and it is like taking valium. L-Theanine is very safe. good luck. If you are unsure you can look it up. Also you could look up Passionflower that is another calming minor sedative.

  4. While I would like to say that just changing his diet helps, we've not found that to be a help. I have a twelve year old who was diagnosed very early on. He's on Adderall XR and while I didn't want to put him on medications, have found it to help amazingly! It's helped my sanity too. He's so much better on the meds than he was off of them.  

  5. sports sports sports ...

    it helped me a lot ... made me more disciplined and helped me burned a lot of energy ...

    healthy diet with no caffeine and no processed food + sports = healthy children ... at least  it worked for me !

    good luck

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