
Help with choosing subjects at college?!! please help!!?

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Ok i decided upon these subjects :

english, philosophy, biology, pure maths and art


i don't know which to take at A level and which to take at Intermediate level.

I'd love to go into psychology but the real career i would love to do is fashion design. I don't know whether to take :

Biology and Art


Biology and English

at a level

all the jobs I'd like to work in don't have English specified as a requirement. and if they do, it's only for intermediate. whilst art can help me a lot for fashion design. Problem is i hadn't ever studied art in detail and failed my GCSE of it, and my family thinks i shouldn't choose it since i might fail again, but i think i will be able to pass because i'll be having lessons at that time. please help me to choose a better option. thanks!




  1. The best thing to do in your position is to take the most mainstream subjects possible. I own my own company and when taking people on I look for Maths, English, History, Biology etc. at GCSE and AS/A-Level (as do most other people). It is what you do after this that will determine your career. Most employers will say the same. My wife has her own business as a dressmaker and would much rather take someone on based on experience rather than qualifications. My advice is to get good grades in mainstream subjects at A-level, then do a 2-3 year night course in fashion. Find a job related to what you want to do and start at the bottom, that way you won't waste 4 years and £30,000 going to Uni. By the time your night course is up you will have the experience and qualifications to do whatever you want.

    Hope this helps!

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