
Help with church nursery policies?

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I am revamping our policies in our infant/toddler nursery because our church is starting to grow. I want to get all of our workers on the same page so we can prepare for the growth. I would like to hear other church nursery policies, regarding security and such. Like how do you have parents sign in, are they allowed to go into the room... I don't know, Id just like to here what other people are doing. :) Thanks




  1. Our church got a new sanctuary, and they really stepped up security with childcare too. Our old church now holds the kids - you have to sign your child in at a desk depending on their grade - and they are all color coded. Preschool is red, K-1 is Green etc. Like with the first answer you get a color coded card with a number, and your child has a namesticker with that number. You take your child to their room. Later you pick them up only with that card - and only parents with cards can enter the area to get kids. The nursery and toddler rooms are in the new sanctuary, where you do get a color number card also, but you also get a silent pager, in case you are needed during services. They also have in the infant room a TV set up showing the service for any parents who want to stay with their infant, but watch the service.  Hope some of that gives you some ideas.  

  2. I work with the kids in the children's ministry at my church.. and we've had the same (great!) problem=)

    What the children's minister did, was she had a church-wide meeting, for every teacher, volunteer, or helper.. and it helped alot! It was about training, discipline, tips, etc

    Our security-

    We had special sticker nametags made, that inclue the child's first and last name, parents' names, parents' cell number, and where the parents will be while the child is in our care. On the top corner of each nametag is a special 3-4 digit number. The same number is on the paper (non sticky) part of the nametag! So, the child has the number on their back, and the parents keep the other half, and have the same number too! So, when parent's come to pick up their child, they show us their half of the tag, which matched the child they are wanting to pick up. If there is any problem while the child is in our room, We can display their nametag-security number onto a screen inside the worship center. The parents know if their child is hurt, crying, or sick- and can get to us faster!

    For safety reasons, parents are asked to drop their children off at the door. The less extra people in the rooms, the better- for the kids and teachers! The kids can enjoy playing, without worrying about the "new people" walking around them, or tripping over them too=)

    If you'd like to know more about this, or you don't understand what i'm saying (it's hard to explain in a small space) feel free to email me!

  3. Okay, this is for a very large church (8,000+ weekly attendance)

    At our church, every child has a name tag and also a number specific to that child. We have a tiny screen in the corner of the main worship screen that displays numbers. The parent is given a card with the child's number. If the child is having difficulties in the nursery, the number will be flashed in the sanctuary so the parent comes to console the child. The child may NOT be taken out of the nursery without the card. If a card is lost, the nursery leader must come and verify that the child belongs to that parent.

    We also have security cameras in the hallways outside of the classrooms that are watched and can be referenced if there is a question.

    If children are upset, a parent may accompany them into the room, but the parent is generally encouraged to leave and allow the child to adjust.

    We also staff according to the age of the children. We have children divided into age groups:

    Newborn through crawling: The baby room is 2 kids to each adult. We move the kids up when they crawl so that we can let them lay on the carpet in boppys and on blankets without getting crawled over by other babies.

    Crawling to walking: 3 babies to each adult. All of the babies that crawl are together so that they can learn to walk, and have a slightly higher developmental group. They are moved on when they can walk soundly so that they don't walk on the crawlers and so they can hold their own with the one-year-olds.

    Each 6 months after that (until they hit age 4) they will move up into a different classroom, as we attempt to keep peer groups together and provide developmentally appropriate lesson plans and toys. Most classes are 4 kids to each adult (3 kids to each teen helper). We also have a special class for children with developmental disabilities that is staffed with one adult for each child.

    If you need any more information, let me know. The biggest thing to answer your question is that the nametags have to match the cards that we give the parents.

  4. I would have parents sign in and out, and tell them they should always have photo identification on them. Not everyone on staff will know everyone parent so they should be ready to show ID if asked.

    I would have an open door policy, allow parents to drop in and visit the child's classroom whenever they want, provided they don't become a distraction.

    Good Luck!

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