
Help with college? Well me and my family leaves in California now & i am about to finish High school?

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and i am about to get into college, but i want to go to a different state and study. My dad wont let me go well at 1st when i told him, he never said anything about going or not going but now i got accepted in the college in Michigan, i already booked tickets, found apartments everything. Finally my dad said he doesnt want me to go & that he wont let me go. All that is just because one of our family friends told my dad yest. that dont send your son because Cali. has the best college's all over U.S, then why does he want to go to Michigan. Well the reason i want to go is because staying at home i am not able to pay attention + i heard lot of people say you will learn to be more responsible and so on. My dad thinks i will have bad influence's which is not true becoz if i want to bad now staying with my dad & mom i can. But i dont want to because that's not what my parents tought me. Now how can i convience my dad 2 let me go. Pls help!!!!!




  1. remember that parents are our guide! so if they say no! u have to listen them ! because of them u r in this world ! u still young u not totally man and u canot make u r own decisions!

    sorry because i  m against u but ....that's u r life man thing about it!!!!!

  2. How did you get accepted with that grammar?

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