
Help with creepy Guy!!!!?

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Okay so I just started to clean people's houses as kind of a side job. I am just doing it by myself. So i posted an ad on Craigslist and I got a call from this guy and so I went over and cleaned his house. I got a really weird vibe the whole time I was there. Don't get me wrong he didn't like do anything to make me weirded out, I just didn't feel comfortable there for some reason, that is really hard to explain. So he is like in his 50's and he text messages me like every day to see if I will come back to his house to clean. I don't wanna leave him hanging BUT I will not go back over there!!!!!! Oh and while I was cleaning his house, he was just like watching TV in the main room, which his house is like a really small apartment, so it was the messiest one.

What do I tell him in order for him to back off???

Oh and I have a really hard time telling people "No" so I usually just ignore their calls or something. But I am trying to get out of that habit and just say no.......advice please!!!




  1. relax!

  2. first off, stop doing those jobs that involve going into strangers homes. Pick one that has a family if you have to, and meet first before taking the job. If you felt creeped out, there was a reason for it, always trust your instincts, there usually right.

    Just respond to the person and tell them you have a new full time job now and you're not interested in doing that anymore.

  3. Hi, I do not know your age but that does not matter if you are employed by an agency or not you should be safe, happy, & contented in your place of work, if you feel that some Pratt is trying to take his thoughts into his PANTS get out, you should not have to put up with this, My daughter was working for a Turkish Kebab house a few years ago the owner did not know what was going on with his staff and my daughter until I went down there and threatened to drag this perv over the counter, It did not happen again need i SAY any more.

  4. You are working for an "Agency" now and they dorect your work.

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