
Help with deleting everything on Secure Digital memory card?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike Memory card is a Secure Digital and its completely full and i want to erase everything on there! but i don't know how? if anyone has this kind on memory card for their camrea would to please help me or if you know?? I would of read the intructions but they were miss-placed when my sister gave me the memory card! If you could help, it would be awesome! thanks in advance!




  1. if the camera is still with you, you can delete the files from its menu "erase all"..

    if you only have the SD card, you will need a card reader to access it using your computer and then delete the files from there.  

    hope this helps..

  2. Use the format feature on your camera.  It will refresh the card, write new file folders and a new image index file.

  3. You need to go into your camera's MENU and find the FORMAT option. This will delete all images from the card in one go.

    It's a better option than just selecting 'delete/erase all'.

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