
Help with dog/france <span title="stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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okay soo my teacher wants me to figure out if pitbulls were banned in france or not. so if anyone knows anything then please help. and if they were does anyone know why????




  1. France, since January 2000, has required that all pit bulls and dogs of several other high-risk breeds be neutered, with the intention of eliminating them entirely by 2010.

  2. High risk dogs of the so called aggresive races (among which are pitbulls) are required to wear muzzles at all times while in the streets. These races have been called dangerous because of attacks during the last few years, in which several adults and children were mangled or worse...

    As Rillifane says in his answer, these races of dogs are all to be neutered in view of having the races disappear in the future.

  3. I doubt it.

    When i was vacationing in France, I noticed that dogs are pretty much worshiped there.

    You an take them into stores, and they are welcomed into restaurants.

    I think you would probably be pretty safe with a pit bull there, but bring muzzle just in case!!!

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