
Help with dream interpretation! Please?

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Last night I had a dream that I saw my sister giving birth (she had a baby June 14) but it's like she didn't know I saw it... like I saw it through a window or something. And then i got my other sister to see what my pregnancy test results were because I was too excited to see them. I was expecting negative but she told me positive so i looked for my self and they were positive. I'm 13 days late and got 2 negative tests. I know in dreams giving birth means new beginings so I don't want to get too excited because 'new begining's and the postive test dream.

what are ya'lls thoughts?




  1. I believe first of all, I would go to the dr for a blood pregnancy test, just to make sure you are not pregnant.  

    Giving birth does symbolize new beginnings and it could be your role as an aunt is your "new beginning".  

    The fact that you watched her give birth through a window may mean in some way you are separated right now.  She's your cheerleader and there to give you good news (your pregnancy test is positive)

    In real life, are you trying to get pregnant?  Do you feel that there is a disconnect because your sister now has a baby?  

    Best of luck going forward.

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