
Help with dunking!? please!?

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I'm 5'11 i can grab rim off 2 feet and one, i weigh 175 pounds , I can dunk a tennis ball easy , I have never tried a volleyball , I did air alert till week 7 and it gave me gains , but not enough , any tips on what i can do to gain more inches?? please




  1. You did not say how old you are...but that may have something to do with it.  Physical development and desire are a big part of getting the dunk.  Get to the weight room with a trainer.  Do inverted leg presses, and chain squats.  

    Inverted leg press, with free weights, do not use a machine

    First day-light weights, 6-8 sets of 20-30 reps

    start at about 100 pounds add ten pounds for each set, take 30 seconds between sets

    This will help with the explosive power needed to get elevation

    Second day-heavy weights, 4 sets, of 12, 10, 8, 6

    Start w/300 pounds add 25 pounds for each set, take 1-1.5 minutes between sets

    This will increase the power in your thighs

    Calf extensions-seperate sets for each leg, use same protocol as the inverted leg press, just less weight.

    Chained Squats--basically a squat with extra.  Get the heaviest chain you can find, cut it into two equal pieces of at least 50 pounds a piece, and connect the ends, so that you have two fifty pound loops.  Attach each loop around each end of the squat bar so that it is gathered under the bar.  When you do the squat, the chain will add weight as you raise the bar, if you connect the ends correctly, you will have lifted the full fifty pounds at the top of the lift.  This is a very very intense lift and will add massive size to your thighs, if you do a calf press at the top of the lift, it will increase your vertical by several inches.  Do this in unison with the inverted leg press,but only on the heavy weight days.

    One thing that most people do not realize is that the explosiveness needed to life your body up for the dunk comes from the calf.  Your thighs are important, but if you do not have the calf strength on a run at the basket, you will not lift off correctly.  think about it...the last part of your body on the floor for the dunk is the tip of your toe, and the strength for that part of your body is totally in your calf.

    ps...try not to over emphasize vertical leaps in the gym.  Doing lots of ups on a hardwood floor is really not good for your knees, especially if you do not have the strength to absorb the impact of landing.  Do the lifts, and your vertical will improve, as well as your strength, and you will minimize the impact to your knees.

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