
Help with electricity company!?

by  |  earlier

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Our electricity is through Stream Energy. We got a bill for one hundred and somthing dollars and when we went to pay it online it said $400 something. So we call and they say it is because we dont have service with them anymore so it is cancellation fees and what not. The thing is, is that we did not cancel our service. When they looked in to it, it turns out that another electric company (whom they dont know) requested our service be cancelled and I guess now we have service through them. Has anyone ever heard of this before?!?!? This cant be legal! HELP!!




  1. Its happening all the time. Restore your service and cancel the new one. They are thieving swine

  2. Can you go to the Electric Company and straighten this out?  If not, get on the phone.  Once I got a water bill for $1700 for one month on a house I had just bought that was vacant.  I did get it taken off.  Good luck.

  3. yes!!    what i would do is pay the hundred dollars to who ever is in charge, and then request what the billing infor is for, they cant charge you for anything elas aslong as the hundred is paid at the right time,  there isnt a cancel lation fee unless this company have contated you saying that there was another carrer. if you have problems with this contact you locall mayer. and also check your credit report for this reason

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