
Help with explaining my recurring dreams?

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For the past few months, i constantly am having dreams that i am running from people who are trying to attack me, or that i am hiding cos there is someone looking for me to murder me. My dreams never really repeat themselves, but they are always based around the same subject of me being chased or hiding because someone is trying to kill me. Also, when i am hiding in my dreams, my aunty is always hiding with me, its never anyone else, just her, but the person who is after us is unidentified. When i am running from someone, i always have obstacles in my way like fences or tables and chairs, last night it was a flight of stairs i was running down that just wouldnt end!

Can anyone explain what this all is? It must have someting to do with me or my life?

Thanks heaps




  1. your recurring dreams are your deepest fears...they are you minds way of dealing with them...not that your physical self is dealing with them though...

    they will always you cannot deal with them physically unless it happens on its own..

    funny thing is...if you really remember your dream..and analyze it will realize that your mind has dealt with the problem within the dream by action or by waking and dealing with reality....

    trippy, but real....

  2. there are 5 categories of dreams which are:

    1.the prophetic dream

    2.the release dream

    3.the wish dream

    4.the information or problem solving dream

    5.astral visits

    the prophetic dream is witnessing the future, and prophetic dreams are ALWAYS in color, and NEVER in black and white and it is in sequence.

    release dreams are usually the most confusing and chaotic and disturbing dreams that we have, they are very neccisary because it disposes of any mental and emotional garbage that we collect through out every day. they are the most common!!

    just as our subconcious minds act out our fears , guilts, regrets, and confusion they also act out our wishes. in example that dream car we want or winning the lottery. i have had dreams whare everything is perfact and i have everything i want in life. that is only a wish dream that i never want to wake up from lol :) but sadly we always do.

    whare do u think u get the advice " sleep on it " ???

    sometimes when we have a problem or an issue that we just dont have a solution for we tend to just go to sleep and wake up with a new idea or a resolution yes we work through our problems while sleeping as well and they tend to be quite helpful when we need them.

    there are two ways that we recieve solutions to our problems while we sleep. which is telepathy and astral travel.

    ( we use telepathy more than we think i.e. have you ever found yourself thinking of some one and then they call? in that case you are probly a sender. or if you tend to know whos calling before you pick up the phone you are probably a reciever..... of energy that is we send out energy sources without even knowing it.)

    astral visits let me just simply put , if you ever dream that your flying and its not with the benifit of an airplain or somthing you are astrally traveling. it is whare your spirit travels out of your body. and we do that several times a month. but there is not much limitation on astral travel so i wont get into that.

    ok i am posting this info about the types of dreams on alot of simialr pages becasue it makes it a little bit easyer for people to catogarize theyere dreams and then go from there.

    but usually the dreams in which we are being chased by somthing bad or evil or some one we dont even know for that matter are mostly release dreams. they can be reacurring or in the manner in which you have them, not always the same but of the same nature.

  3. i do not completely agree with the first answer you got...there is an excellent page you should read...the link is below.

  4. To dream that you are hiding, suggests that you are keeping a secret or avoiding telling the truth. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and confess before somebody finds out. If you dream that somebody else is hiding, you are feeling the need for security and protection.

    Running in a dream suggests that you are feeling trapped or pressured in a real life relationship. It can also mean you feel stressed by school or work.

    Your obstacles like tables, could really represent obstacles you believe you will have to face.

    To dream that you are killed or being pursued by a murderer, foretells that enemies are working against you.

  5. You should read The Dream Game by Ann Faraday, it can teach you to easily interpret your own dreams. It's not wise to depend on the interpretations of others since they aren't you and your dreams depend solely on how you perceive things.

    Remember, dreams absolutely have meaning and deciphering that meaning can be very helpful in life. Especially in a recurring dream, it suggest something your unconscious mind is constantly struggling with.

    Good luck, hope you figure it out.

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