
Help with family issues!!!?

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So my parents divorced when i was 8 and my brother was 6, but our rents get along well now that theyre not 2gether. me (16) and my bro (13) have 1 week at our mums place and the other week at our dads etc. but recently me and my mum have been fighting alot and im getting sick of moving back and forth like a suitcase so ive asked to live at my dads permanently but they say no. im getting really annoyed now, and i know im 16 but i dont wat to move out and live by myself. please help!!




  1. Find a realtive or a friend to live with, seriously theres no way out.. if you dont get along with your mother, then talk it out, not going to her isnt the only way out of the problem hun, or get counseling  

  2. Who is saying no, your mom or both parents?


       If it is both parents, try to get them together long enough that you can talk to both of them at the same time and explain why you want to live with your dad but also give a reasonable amount of time that you will see your mom.

       I do agree, it is hard on kids that have to go back and forth between homes every week and you are at the age that you should have a little input on where you like to live.

       But if you  want to live at your dads full time because you don't like your moms rules,ect then that is different.


  3. You sound like bright girl. The arguments are really bothering you and you feel the best way to get-along is to move out. You must stop consider yourself as a suitcase, your not! Both of your parents wants you in their life. I really understand your feelings, but do you understand how much you mean to them? It is sad that they are divorce, but this is the way the world works.

    The importance is to be there for the both of them. I don't know how often you switch, but if it is too much, then request to spend months at a time at each parent house.

    You are a brave 16 year old. I know because the arguments with your mom is making you upset. It shows how much you care, but now I have a challenge for you! You are old enough to sit down with your mom and speak calmly to her about the fighting. You can express to your mom how you wish to have a better relationship with her.

    It would be you to make the first move. You can do it! This is part of growing up, and I know she would be very proud of you. The matter is now in your 16 year old hands. You will be an inspiration to your 13 year old brother. Please consider it. God bless.

  4. Hey!! my parents split when I was the same age. I do the week on/week off split also, so I know how you feel. I also fight with my mom a lot, and want to live with my dad but that isn't an option. So basically I am in the same situation as you. =)

    Try presenting your idea to live with your dad full time in a mature and well thought-out way. Point out the positive and negative effects it will have on everyone. If your parents think that you handled it maturely then they will also think that you are capable of making good decisions for yourself.

    If that doesn't work you can also try going to the courts. If they think that you are right in living with your dad, they can make him primary parent and you could live with him full time. But before you do anything like that make sure it is what you want to do. It could put a lot of pressure on yours and your mom's relationship, damage that might not be able to be fixed. =S

    I hope this helps you =)

  5. you need to sit down and have a deep and meaningful with your mum, it may not work but worth ago, just tell her that you are sick of fighting and that the fighting is making you want to move to your dads. maybe you guys can come to some sort of agreement to make living with each other more enjoyable, as for the split living, i did it too and it was something i had to live with till i was old enough to decide, i also used to buy things like clothes and things to keep at each others house, so that i didnt need to cart them back and forth, just had to worry about getting myself to either my mums or my dads,

    i prob havnt been much help but i hope i have

  6. you only got two more years before you are on your own  they are your parents and they both love you so be mature and quit the complaining  you are fortunate that they get along and both want you with them

  7. they are the adults and they make the rules so until your old enough put up with it ,and wha tthe h**l are rents?

    theres only 2 more letters in it you know

  8. I think you should write both of your 'rents' a letter and let them know how you are feeling. Then let them know about the crime rate in your n'hood ... Also Let your father know about the recent arguments that your mom and you have been having. It's hurting your self esteem as a young lady, and You need to live with your dad, before running away, and getting lost in the criminal life style. IF that doesn't work its always important to pray about it, and speak to your mom and try to establish a new bond.

  9. I never understood how kids could live that way and be happy. I don't know what you can do since both parents want it that way.

    It stinks. Hang in there. In two years you can get your own place and won't have to live that way.

  10. grow some backbone. honestly why would you even ask that on yahoo? handle it yourself, like the advice would actually help.  

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