
Help with feeling depressed for no apparent reason?

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gday everyone

i have a bit of a strange problem i feel depressed for really no apparent reason.. i have a girlfriend and shes wonder full the best person i have ever met in my life! she supports me very well with it. we have been going out for around 2 years now and the last 3 months my depression/ anxiety has gotten really bad. i don't know what to do i see a shrink atm and its not really helping. my personality is excellent and I'm a very positive person normally. i think it may have something to do with not having s*x for 2.5 of those months. do u think that's what it could be? also does depression cause thoughts to be almost misty in judgment because i feel like i need to get out of the relationship i don't know if that's a direct result of depression or what. but i love her more than ever the most i have ever in the last 2 years. when I'm not depressed i feel 100% happy in the relationship. can someone help me please! btw i am 17 turning 18 in a month. maby that's a factor as well.




  1. I know exactly how you feel. But I don't think its the lack of s*x thing.  Sorry.  But I would suggest switching therapists.  I had a horrible therapist and it just made me more anxious and depressed.  So I stopped seeing her and went to someone new and she has turned my life around.  I would try to do everything you can to fix this before it gets too bad.  

  2. if you repent your sins and confess Jesus as your Savior He will be with will be healed i talk about salvation , not about religion , churches etc

  3. depression can occur for no apparent reason.  I was depressed on and off for 20 years for no reason I could name.  Medication is the only thing that worked for me and for the last 10 years my emotions have been extremely stable with none of the crippling lows I would endure 2 - 3 times per year.  It's down to not enough of the right brain chemicals and is no fault of anyone  - it's biological.  Don't stress over taking medication, I did and robbed myself of 20 good years.  You may need to try a few to find one that works for you.  I also wonder if u r as happy as u say in your relationship or if u r in denial about your girlfriend.  She may be a great person but just not the one for you.

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