
Help with finding a boyfriend??

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I'm 16 and g*y and I'm looking for a boyfriend. I've dated a few guys in the past, but none of them were really right for me. What are some tips on finding the right person for me, and where/how could I meet other guys?




  1. Well I'm free. But you don't know me so first you have to try and think of what your type is, and what qualities you like in a man. Make a myspace and use it to meet some g*y guys your age and chat with them a little see if any of them are interested in dating, and your heart will guide you to the right one. And first guy why don't you go rub your tiny little d*** stick a pencil and die, your a fuckup no one likes you.

  2. Clubs are the best way. Or g*y bars, but you're only 16.

    You'll find someone. and that guy above me you're a fcukup!!

    GO DIE.

    I'm bi alright and i am sick of everybody making fun of us.

  3. awee

    idk try looking on some g*y teen websites


    or something like that


  4. Honestly, you may be looking 'too hard'...and, if you're doing that you will appear 'needy'...or worse, 'clingy'...and, no one likes that...  I would encourage you to stop stressing about 'finding a boyfriend' and get into your studies, develop yourself in sports and hobbies...and, most importantly, volunteer in your spare'll make all kinds of new friends, help others and help yourself at the same time...  You will 'stand out' as a real 'gem' in todays world of 'me', 'me', 'me'...and someone (or more) will surely notice what a 'catch' you are...  If you live in a larger city you might also contact your local LGBT Center and get a list of their activities and volunteer there too...

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