
Help with finding a worth while cause...?

by  |  earlier

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I have to do an activist project

where you choose something to research

like a problem in the word, ya know??

for instance, global warming or breast cancer

but i can't do any one of those

and i can't think of anything

so can you guys give me any ideas of a worth while cause to research??

thanks sooooo much




  1. I am thinking of incorporating a 501 C 3 non profit foundation dedicated to feeding the poor, assisting with utilities, helping with rent and mortgage payments, etc.  Right here where I live the need out weighs the amounts of monies on hand.  I think that with God's help I can raise the funds needed.  But to keep it legal and avoid problems with the IRS, I feel that my first need is to incorporate a non-profit corporation.  Why don't you check with lawyers where you live to see if you can do the same thing there then share your results with me.


  2. Think of a friend or family member that is going thru a situation or illness. Stand for that, it would probably mean something more to you than just picking an issue at random.

  3. How about Hurrican Katrina victims or poverty or hunger in America or anywhere in the world, AIDS, famine, civil unrest, inner city education, community beautification, corruption in politics, immigration reform

  4. activist project....

    well how about pro life versus pro choice?

    or legalization of marijuna?

    those are all activist things =) hehe

    but remember, some of these reesarches can really affect your way of thinking, and many articles are very biased LOL make sure that you get as unbiased opinions as possible

    good luck

  5. Not sure if this is of help.. but check out this website (and join too, if you like).

    They do humanitarian projects, research, etc.. share the link with everyone you know.  The more who join, the more we all play a small part to help.

  6. how about religious intolerance of most of the inhabitants on this earth....thats where all our wars and justification for them come from. we all need to be less ignorant of other beliefs and learn to live in peace with each other, especially the current muslims...(which is what you could focus on)

  7. Why can't you do Breast cancer? Another problem in the world is abuse either domestic abuse and there is alot of it going on or elder abuse. Animal rights is another top one on my list.

  8. Prostitution In America....

    20/20 just did a big special AMAZING, POWERFUL, SAD!

    made me want to do something! And pretty much all starts with drugs!

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