
Help with fleas on cat

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my cat has fleas..he is about 4 or 5 months old...i tried flea baths..didnt do much...then i called a 24 hour vet place and asked them for advice...they told me to wash him with dawn dishsoap then get flea medication called frontline plus and bomb my house...i bathed him with dawn, got the frontline plus and bombed my house twice...but the fleas seem to be getting worse instead of better...i called the 24hour vet place back and they told me there was nothing else...but i was wondering if any of yous may have any ideas..thanks




  1. Summer is flea season- I am haing the same problem with my dog and cats.  Try advantage, don't let your cat outside and run a flea comb through her fur evey day.  When vaccuuming... after all the rugs are done, wait 15 minutes for the fleas to surface, then go back and vaccuum again.  

  2. tHE FRONTLINE always worked for me just keep on using it and make sure you r putting it on right
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