
Help with flying my two year old son for the first time?

by Guest44606  |  earlier

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I am going on a flight that is 1.5 hours. I am worried about ear pain and fussiness. Any tips will help.




  1. I totally agree on the over-the-counter Benedryl for having the child sleep on the plane.  Our pediatrician suggested that for our daughter and it works like a charm.

    It also is a good idea to have a few snacks for the child.  The plane will offer the juice or water but take some snacks to keep him occupied when awake.  However, do not feed him too much right before the flight or you may get an unpleasant surprise.

  2. Okay, I just got back from my first time flying solo with my 18 month old daughter (usually my husband comes with) so I have tons of tips!!

    First, if you can, bring a carseat for your little guy! He will be a lot more comfortable, as will you, not to mention how much safer it is for him. Even if it's not in the budget to buy an extra seat for him, bring the carseat on anyway. If your flight is not full, you can use the carseat for him, and if there are no extra seats, you can just check it like the original plan. If he is sitting on your lap, you will be fine. It may be a little more difficult to restrain him, but you will manage just fine.

    People rave about bringing DVD players or laptops to play movies for their kids on, but I didn't want to lug around my laptop along with all the other gear, so I just left it at home. My daughter was fine without it! One thing she LOVED was listening to her favorite songs on my ipod, though. I just downloaded around 10 of them off itunes and bought some cheap child-friendly headphones at Target (I didn't think she would be able to keep earbuds in). This idea would also work with a portable CD player and one of his favorite CDs.

    I brought lots of books because she will sit still most of the time when I am reading to her. I also brought her doll-baby and some outfits, which kept her occupied for almost an hour changing her baby and playing with it. Perhaps a version of this could work for your son.

    I also brought a magna-doodle for my daughter. She loved this and i would TOTALLY recommend it!! It's only around $15 and is very entertaining and cool without any mess. Besides these things, just his basic favorite toys and books, plus maybe some new ones to surprise him with, should keep him occupied and not fussy for most of the flight. Kids adapt pretty easily, and your flight is very short, so I'm positive that you guys will do great!

    For the ear pain, my daughter had never experienced this, but my best friend's kids have. Now they stick to gum, but when they were younger, sucking on bottles, pacifiers, sippies, or nursing worked. Sucking on a lollipop would probably work as well.

    I hope I have helped! Sorry this is so long--I may have rambled on a bit =). Good luck! I hope you have a fabulous time!

  3. hmm he's too young to chew gum for the ear pain. so i think if you told him to hold his nose and blow will youre ascending and descending, that will prevent ear pain. and if he has some activities, he won't be so fussy. i don't if you're against this, but if you gave him benedryll (totally unharmful) it will make him drowsy, and alot more cooperative and hopefully he'll fal asleep for the 1.5 hours!

  4. To avoid ear pain: try giving him a lollipop or a sippy cup.

    If Bendryl is not an option for you, try Ginger Snaps or a banana/milk smoothie - both encourage sleep naturally - or at least calmness! Whatever you decide to bring for snacks - make it fun! If he is anything like my kids were at that age - he will enjoy small containers her can use himself - or small bags of treats (Cheerios, raisins, mini marshmallows, and apple slices are pretty clean and easy - for a few ideas). You will want to conisder how messy he (and his space) will get. Keep things fun and simple.

    I like to get a new toy for long trips. For your son, how about a, "activity board" ( a quiet one!) or a pop-up book or one of those   all-in-one playhouses that are soft and filled with stuffed toys (we had a Noah's Ark and The Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly). They'll keep him interested and entertained - and won't make noise or a mess - and will pack easy.

    Are you going to see relatives or friends he doesn't know very well? How about making a small, kid-friendly photo album to use to familiarize him with them?

    1.5 hours can be pretty quick... Oh yes, and try to make sure you hit the bathroom in the airport - so he will be less likely to have to use the one on the plane - again and again and again...!)

    Good luck and have fun! And remember to take a photo of your new traveler!


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