
Help with fondant?????

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So I made some fondant today and it tasted good, but it was kinda oily on top.

It felt like I had sprayed it with PAM spray maybe.

It was wierd and I really dont want it to happen again.

Can someone help me?

Or maybe give me a recipe?

Thank you!




  1. You asked at the right time i've been making fondant for a while now.....


    2 cups sugar

    1 cup water

    2 tablespoons corn syrup

    In a saucepan, over medium heat, combine the sugar and water. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Stir in the corn syrup. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the mixture reaches the soft-ball stage, between 234 and 240 degrees on a candy thermometer. Pour the mixture over a dampened marble slab. Sprinkle it with a little water to prevent a crust from forming and leave to cool for 2 to 3 minutes. Using a triangular scraper work the sugar syrup scraping it from the slab and turning the sides to the center. Alternatively, work the fondant in an electric mixer with a dough hook. Work vigorously particularly when the fondant starts to thicken and become creamy. After 3 to 5 minutes it will suddenly become stiff. Break off one piece of fondant at a time and work it by pinching it hard in your fingers until pliable and smooth. Press all the pieces of pliable fondant together and knead in any flavoring or coloring. Pack into an airtight container and leave in the refrigerator or a cool place at least 1 hour, preferably 1 day to mellow.

  2. My guess is that it was rather hot and/or humid in your area today.  I'm guessing that the oils in the fondant rose to the surface because of that.  Fondant can be tricky.  

  3. maybe you live in a very humid area, and it may be condensation, it is also called weeping fondant, you can turn a fan to help it dry.

  4. did you use a blended oil? If so, part of the blend may have precipitated out.

    if so try using a single seed oil [canola, peanut]
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