
Help with freshmen year?!?

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So im going back to school september 2nd,into the ninth grade.

Any helpful tips for me, or words of wisdom?

what is 9th grade like?





  1. It's really not that bad. In fact it's a lot better than Junior High. Just have fun, meet new people, and don't stress out. But don't slack also, because you'll regret it in the next years to come.

  2. be opened minded and interested into making new friends... also, get involved...

  3. If there are any clubs at your high school, find some that fit your interest and schedule ^_^. You'll meet a lot of new people that way. Especially if it's a community service club, you can drag in some friends with you and go to some events to start collecting some community service hours early your freshman year [Remember to keep track of them too!]. Also, if you have an interest in the sports at your school and if you think it wont affect your studies, GO TRY OUT :D. It's a great opportunity to stay in shape, meet new friends, and support your school. And if you join it again for your sophomore year, it'll count as PE credits(depends on your school district rules tho, lol)! ^__^

    Hmmm.. what else.. oh! Take good notes in your classes because it'll be very usefull when you take your first midterms and finals.

    That's all I can say right now ^_^, good luck!

  4. Honestly.

    it is just like every other grade you have ever been in.

    except now you are in high school instead of middle or elementary.

    there are no special tricks or words of wisdom.

    its just another year of the same old thing.

  5. hm for me it was the year when i had the best time of my life although we had the exams that year we enjoyed the life Even more...and for you i can tell to be sue of yourself and enjoy life because after the ninth grade you are already almost like a grown up :)

  6. Don't worry about it. 9th grade is the same as the 8th. All your friends will be in some of your same classes and you will be switching class more often.

  7. It's just like eighth only in a different place.  You'll get used to it and bored with it pretty fast, I wouldn't worry about it.  

  8. It's alright..My biggest piece of advice is whenever ur asking an upperclassmen where a class is, always get a second opinion from someone else.  The big HS joke is to send freshmen in the wrong directions.

    Oh and If you have trouble w/ your academics, it's normal.  I had D's and F's freshman year and sophomore year I had A's and B's.

  9. Well for me its easy to adapt to highschool cause I got alot of personality and enjoy social life.(Sophmore now) Here is what you do TALK TALK TALK TALK TALK to  people. Get yourself known and do good in school, after a while you'll have a bunch of friends good grades and will enjoy waking up to go to school.

    P.S. having your own style helps ;-)

  10. not that Hard just what ever you do in 9th be careful cuz the stuff u do wrong in 9th will follow you!!

  11. im going into the 9th grade too.My cousin told me that i was the scum of the earth until my senior year(LOL) id be careful and try to make friends.GOOD LUCK : )

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