
**Help with future career!*easy 10pts* Is this possible?**

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I just got my g.e.d.

and i know i can not hack a regular job, so im going to be going to college here pretty soon.

I want to be noticed..I want to be...famous, i guess you can say...

( I know, I know..Sounds like a dream..But im serious and im willing to work for it..)

but if i do not become famous thats okay...I just want a great job that's fun...

Like something to do with Radio,TV, or just the MEDIA in general..

What are some career's that have to do with what i mentioned...???

and what degree will i have to get to get a job!?!?!?

10 pts to best answer!!!!!





  1. Be a broadcaster on the air, or u can be a local artiste in your country. Like what the other 2 speakers have say, a degree in mass communication will work out just fine for you. It is good to have such a bold dream, but dream is a dream, u must work hard toward it to have it come true!

  2. Congrats on getting your GED. I agree with the other person, a degree in communications is probably your best bet.  

  3. depending on your strengths & talents (which you did not mention) it sounds like you want a job that involves going into communications/journalism. look for schools with good programs for that, and you can specify your major (ex: broadcast journalism will take you on TV or the radio)

    good luck!

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