
Help with gerbera daisies?

by  |  earlier

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My husband bought me some potted gerbera daisies last week and I've kept them inside next to the porch window to get light. (I put them outside for like an hour one day last weekend and they wilted....I brought them right back in and they sprang back.)

Now they are wilting again despite being watered just this morning. They are wilting at the stems.

I've got a few questions:

How much should I be watering these flowers?

Can bring back the two out of the three that wilted?

How long will they last in their pot inside?




  1. r they in the right size pot and can the water drain away

  2. wilting when they went outside is probably just shock from bright sunlight and/or getting too hot or suddenly dry.  they came back in, cooled off and/or got watered and they stood up again.  

    it's possible that the stems took some damage out there in the wind and sun.  aren't they hollow?  delicate.  but the plant should be able to grow some more flowers.  your challenge is to keep the plant happy enough that it will do just that.

    be careful that you do not over water them now.  let the soil dry somewhat between waterings and not stay waterlogged all the time!  that being said they do not like to get "dry" either.  I have killed them from forgetting to water.  so good moisture, good drainange, and find that protected, bright but not hot spot for the light.  you may want to do some research on how much they want to be fertilized.  

    I hope they grow back well for you.

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