
Help with girls at school?

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i like a girl but i rly don't know about her much but i there is no girls that are my type in my school all of them listen to rap and all that :( my friends neighborhood is full of girls like me but he doesnt live close what should i do




  1. that girl that really like just go talk to her and ask her some questions not to mention if you can get her laugh then that would be extra points so just walk up to her and talk to her not to mention you shouldn't really have a type cuzz then that just makes you want to find someone just like that

  2. Give her your number on a bar of chocolate.

  3. well what school do u go to?

    j/w itll be easy to anwser if u tell me

    n when u tell me ill anwser

  4. If their is a girl that you like then first find out if she has boyfriend. If she doesn't then go ask her out and if she does move on cause you never know how long the relationship will last unless you really like the girl then you can keep liking her.

  5. get to know her.

    that would help a lot so you can see if you actually like her or your just desperate. maybe start talking to the girls in your neighborhood since you have more in common with them. but by all means go for it with this new girl.

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