
Help with golf?

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i need to stop my slice with my driver




  1. My answer is long, so bear with me.

    I had a slice when I started playing. I am a righthander and I had a Callaway Big Bertha with a regular shaft. I cured my slice without pro help. I started the process by finding out what causes a slice.

    A slice is generally caused by a right-to-left sidespin of the ball (for righthanders), which is caused by any one, a combination of several, or all of the following:

    a. A whippy shaft used by a fast swinger. - Due to the swing speed, a whippy shaft bends during downswing and stays bent up to the follow-through. The bending of the shaft causes the clubhead to be a split-second behind the hands, thus even if the hands have squared up at impact, the clubface is still open. The open clubface at impact imparts a sidespin on the ball which causes a slice. The remedy is to get a stiffer shaft. I now use a TaylorMade Burner with a stiff shaft. My drives are straighter.

    b. Ball teed too much toward the center of the stance. - If the ball is teed too much toward the center of the stance, the clubface does not get that split-second time to square up at impact. It remains open. Again, the open clubface imparts that slice-causing sidespin to the ball. The remedy is to tee the ball a little towards the left toe to give the clubface the time to square up. I tee my ball just a hair to the right of my left toe.

    c. Shoulders aligned too much to the left of target. - Slicers tend to align their shoulder to the left of the target thinking that the correction will compensate for the left-to-right ball flight. It makes the slice even worse. The alignment causes an out-to-in downswing path which imparts that dreaded sidespin to the ball.

    To determine if this is your problem, adress a ball with your feet and hips square to the target. Have someone lay a shaft across your chest along the shoulder line. Check where the shaft is pointing. I bet that it points towards the left of target. While keeping your feet and hips square, rotate your shoulders until it points at the target. Commence your swing. If the ball still slices, adjust your shoulder alignment until it points towards a little to the right of target. Keep adjusting your shoulder alignment until you produce the desired ball flight. When the ball starts to hook, your shoulders have aimed too much to the right. I align my shoulders a little to the right of target.

    Remember opposites: if the ball flight curves to the right, the shoulders are aimed too much to the left. If it curves to the left, the shoulders are aimed too much to the right.

  2. There are many solutions in golf websites...friends who play golf....and so on.  However, having played for over forty years, worked at a few golf courses in varying jobs, have seen almost every kind of swing you can imagine swatting balls on the range...and most of them repeating the same bad swing over and over.

    Serious about the game?  Want to play as best you can? Lower your handicap? Enjoy the game more? And...lower your score by hitting better shots??   Consult  a golf professional at one of your local golf courses.  Take at least (1) 30 minute lesson..get acquainted with the golf pro...and see what happens.  It really isn't that expensive...and if the pro helps you get rid of your slice...well?  Good luck...and if you do take a lesson...continue to do so.  After all, even Tiger has a swing coach.

  3. Here is a website that i found that should help you it has many tips to stop slice. It is on the website below.

  4. Instant Slice Cure - Golf
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