
Help with golf swing?

by  |  earlier

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What might be causing me to slice my drives to the left. About 80% of my drives go left and it's really the only part of my golf game that hasn't improved since I started playing.




  1. If you are lefty, stand farther from the ball, and play the ball up in your stance. Also, work on your "top position", aka your club position at the top of your swing. It should be pointing towards the target.

    If you are right handed, then you are actually hooking the ball. Stand closer at address and play the ball slightly back in your stance. Pretty much do the opposite of what you would do if your were right handed.

    Good luck, I had the same exact problem for two years.

  2. straighten up swing lighter drink beer

  3. Well, thats not a slice if your right handed.  Its called a pull hook.  Number one cause of the shot is coming over the top.  Work on the path you take to the golf ball.  If you'd like I can recommend a number of drills that can help.

  4. try these free lessons they helped me out

  5. If you are right handed it is because your club is coming from the outside in with a closed face resulting in the pull hook or sometimes known as the "duck hook".  If you are left handed it because your club is coming from the outside in with an open face.  You need to work on your fundamentals and get your swing plane on an inside out or square path.

  6. If you're hooking the ball it could be a variety of subtle reasons..

    1.)  Not completing the backswing before starting the downswing;

    2.)  Your arms and hands are moving into the ball faster and/or before your body is turning towards the target;

    3.)  Your grip is too strong ( right hand is too far under the grip and your left hand is turned to the right too far showing more than two knuckles);

    4.)  You have the ball too far back in your stance causing you to hook the ball.

    If you meant slicing it to the right then here are some causes:

    1.)  Not making a true shoulder turn and just lifting the club with your arms;

    2.)  Not shifting your weight properly during the backswing thus causing the dreaded reverse pivot;

    3.)  You grip is too weak and your not releasing the clubhead through the ball;

    4.)  You alignment may be off, ie., your shoulders could be open when you address the ball;

    5.)  Your left hand might not be pointed at your target at the point of contacting the ball at the bottom of the swing thus causing a slice;

    6.)  You may be laying the club off at the top of the swing rather than having it directly over your right shoulder and pointing at the target.

  7. Assuming you're right handed and just didn't know slice from hook as opposed to not knowing left from right, there are quite a few things that could be causing this problem.  Make sure your grip isn't too strong (right hand turned too far to the right at address).  Check to see that you're coming into the ball on the proper swing path too.

    for the record:

    a ball that flies like this  (  is a slice for a righty

    a ball that flies like this  )  is a hook for a righty

    good luck
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