
Help with government grant for adult part time college course?

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I have just finished my Level 2 concepts in counselling, i am now wanting to go onto level 3. One major problem, the governement helps out with funding for the courses and i only have to pay £30 enrolment fee becaue im a single parent on a low income. Now signing up to level 3 has just changed.

Apparently the government have pulled out of funding therefore i have to pay nearly £1,000, which obviously i cant afford.

The best part is, the government are funding the final (diploma) so basically i got the first free then the next i have hit a brick wall........yet my diploma is free!!

I have been told that this is discrimination to students on low income. Im just wondering if anyone knows about this type of stuff and can help me out??






  1. I don't know if this is an option you can consider but if you were to go full time would you not get your fees paid for you or at least a student loan?

    Full time at college these days may equate to just 30 hours or less a week.

    Failing this you could think about applying to trust funds and also for an Individual learning account (ILA ) upwards of £250 to help with the costs. Apply at learn direct for the application form for the ILA. Go to www.learndirect/

    Good luck!

  2. Get a loan for the 1000 and pay it after graduation.

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