
Help with guinea pig?

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last night my daughters were holding their guinea pig and he was very calm,he is calm by nature.He is about 2 years old,then suddenly he started to jump around and go "crazy"so my daughter says,she put him in his cage,now this morning he won't let you even touch him he jumps around in his cage,he seems to be eating alright,we give him pellets,lettuce,carrots,and occasionally timothy hay.Anyone know what could be wrong with him?We have a vet check tomorrow,to get nails trimmed too.




  1. My friends daughters guinea pig has the same problem.... they couldnt figure it out either!! it was really weird! they took it to the local vet and she said that it could be fixed..... so take it to the local vet for some caring..

  2. Ask your vet

  3. maybe he has a sore or something that she touched or was hurting ?? ... not sure or maybe he just got scared .. hope he is ok .. when you take him to the vets .. sorry i could not really help x

  4. little kid probably did something to him

  5. not being mean, or trying to scare you. But mine did that before it passed away.. i hope its ok

  6. hmm, i suggest you leave him alone for a couple days,and then try and pet him. Ifhe's still jumpy you may want to take him to the vets

  7. try this website to see what is the mater with your guinea pig...

    Hope he gets better

  8. in a couple of days you should take your guinea pet to the vet.

  9. I would assume that something could have scared your guinea pig. They are startled very easily by just about anything. Maybe your kids moved to quickly for him? I would also think that he would be jumping around because he is happy. I have nine guinea pigs and some of them jump around, which means that they are happy. You should probably buy him a play pen so he can work off some of his excess energy. I let my guinea pigs have their individual runnung time and it really makes all the difference for their excess energy. Don't be frightened of his behavior. This is normal for all guinea pigs. Just give him exercise and lots of attention.

  10. ask your vet but ask your vet on the phone if you pay to have yournguinea pig checked out. But he may have been scared

  11. maybe one of them accidentally touched its butt......i know my guinea pigs go crazy when i do that...

    good luck with your guinea pig. I hope everything goes ok.
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