
Help with guitar chords?

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hi im just learning how to play guitar and when i look at chords online it get confused on some like the chords for the intro of enter sandman- mettalica...and ways it goes like this "E5, A5, E5, E5, G5, F#5, G5, F#5, E5" anyways what confuses me is the # example- - - F#5 like i dont know what the # is for can someone plzz help me im so confused plzzz help ......thanks =]




  1. I can play guitar and i have NO clue about chords lol.. Using guitar tabs instead of chords is way easier, it tells you which strings to play and on which fret

    If you can read tabs you can play guitar

  2. the # means sharp, which means F# (F Sharp) is a half tone, or, in this case, one fret higher than F (F Natural).  

  3. This is a bit more complex of a question than you realize.  You know how on the scale, there are 7 different lettered notes.  An "octave" (oct=8) is that scale plus the original note up higher.

    C D E F G A B C

    So, the root of that scale is C.  The #1 note is C, the #2 is D, the #3 is E, etc.

    What if we do a D scale instead?

    D E F# G A B C# D

    The #1 note is a D, the #2 is an E, the #3 is an F#, etc.

    The # sign means "sharp".  It means it is a half step above. There is also a b sign called a "flat"  It means a half step lower.

    So in an F#5 chord, you can lay out the scale with an F# root....

    F#  Ab  Bb  B  C#  Eb   F  F#

    So the 5th is a C#.  Play an F# modified toward a C#.

  4. it means F sharp...

    and if it was something like Ab then it would be A flat...

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