
Help with hand foot mouth disease?

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My 2 year old son has his 3rd case of hand foot mouth disease (we think it's that) in 10 months. That doesn't seem right to me. His pediatrician thinks it's strange, too, but isn't too concerned since he has been seeing quite a bit of these kinds of viruses lately. He gets blisters down his throat, inside of his mouth, his tongue, . . . I feel sooo bad for him! Has anyone else had this happen?




  1. Are you taking him to the same day care or play group or playground or Chuck E Cheese? He could be getting re-exposed from it being passed around the same circle of kids.

    My son just had this - you have my sympathy. He didn't get many blisters, but had a very high fever for several days. Scary.

  2. i had it as a kid and it was horrible. i didn't think you could get it more than once. maybe he has something different. i'd take him to a different doctor for a second opinion.

  3. It's a virus and most kids get it once or twice and are done with it. However, kids can re-infect and it may be a stronger strain of the virus.

    It's a horrible virus and makes moms and dads feel very helpless! Has your doctor run any tests to be sure there is nothing else going on?

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