
Help with high cholesterol?

by Guest64597  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor a week ago and i was told that i have high cholesterol. i really haven't ever been on a diet. im lost on the entire cholesterol thing. can you guys explain cholesterol to me and how could i bring it down? special diets maybe? im 20 and about 5'11 160lbs, don't know if that matters




  1. Increase vegetables, fruit, fiber. Reduce red meats, processed foods, fast food etc

    Whole grains are very important to reduce cholesterol.

    Oatmeal and oat bran are very effective.  Have a bowl of oatmeal each day. Whole, old fashioned oats are worlds better than instant or microwave varieties.

    Cereals such as Cheerios are also advertised to be effective.

    Fish oil is very important. It helps to raise your good fat level, raise good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol. Look for a high potency variety such as that made by Ascenta Health.

    Garlic is good.

    Some herbs may be beneficial but you should only trust a qualified practitioner's advice: he or she can find the herbs that will work for you taking in account your entire health and any medications you may be on.

    If you need more help a natural health constltant or natural nutritionist may be your best bet for information and a specific meal plan.

    Good luck and don't forget to exercise.  

  2. It is a good thing your doctor has not prescribed any medication which causes side effects and another medication to combat side effects. Go to your next health food store and get good advise or visit a natural health doctor. If you frequent fast food restaurants, any restaurant for that matter, go for healthy lean choices. Take high potency garlic, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, or flavoured cod liver oil. Do not eat too many carbs, chips, etc., only as a treat occasionally. Omit sugared soft drinks. Get on line and research it. Last resort, it might also be hereditary, however, you are only 20. Do your parents have high cholesterol? Be vigilant, don't be shy to go to a health food store!! Your health is the most important thing you have

  3. Your height to weight relationship is OK. First thing to try is CHANGING your diet depending with what you eat today. Fruits, vegi's, some nuts are good, less red meat replacing with "skinless" chicken or fish.

    If your diet is already pretty much what is suggested, then there might be a "body chemistry" issue that would require some form of medication. Most likely, they would try niacin first (minimal side affects (hot flashes). If that doesn't work then probably a prescription drug.

    Good luck.

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