
Help with *** holes in school ?

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Hey i know this may be a stupid question but i need to know. Well i just came back from my 6 weeks holiday of school and in that 6 weeks i started listening to rock metal etc and i started dressing like your average mosher or whatever you want to call them baggy jeans skate shoes etc and a couple of pupils in my class are bugging me about it and they complain all day about what i listen to etc and wanted to know how to make them deal with it, i already tryed to answer it with violence and that got me into a lot of trouble, the only reason im so pissed about it is because they constantly do it all day, thanks for any help, btw the people that go to my school mostly listen to rap, hip hop etc.




  1. hi i have the same problem just beat them up or call childline 0800 111

  2. The reason people act the way they do is simple . They fear what they don't know anything about. Ignore them and don't acknowledge them. Thats the best thing I can tell you.

  3. DON"T resort to violence.  That's no way to solve a problem. It only makes things worse.

    Look at it this way, those people who make fun of you just don't have the balls to be different and do what they really want to do, or be who they really want to be.  They are afraid to be leaders and settle for being know, go with the flow kind of people.  You've already got one up on them by being yourself.

    If you let on that it bothers you that these stupid kids make fun of you, they'll just keep it up.  Play it cool....maybe even join in on the mockery.  If you can laugh at yourself, they may just decide it isn't fun to make fun of you anymore.

    Stick with the people who are your friends or have common interests.  Just don't let the image affect your school work and your grades.  That ISN"T cool.

  4. call child hotline 405 9752

  5. There has to be other people in your school that do that kinda stuff too, so why don't you hang with them? If they bother you because of what you wear and what you listen to, ignore them, pretend like you don't give a ****, the more you get annoyed the more they'll do it. If you give the impression you don't care, they will eventually stop doing it.

  6. i'm a big Take That and my school is full of Take That haters, and take the p**s out of me. but i just ignore them, but i do have fellow Take That fans i talk to about Take That and don't take the p**s.

    btw this is form of bullying, report it to the school. and also don't beat them up, it will end up in more trouble.

    but we do have our different taste in music, but don't talk to them and make them look dumb by not listening and just completly shut them out of your life, report whatever they say to you to the school, the little mindless twats hate getting into S**t.

  7. Firstly, I wouldn't go about anything with violence. It's not the way to convince people. At best, it makes people resent you and at worst, you'll get into a lot of trouble, like you mentioned.

    I would go about it by making some good friends, either people with the same interests as you, or as in my case, people who like you for you and not for your clothes or your music.

    If they're bugging you, try just ignoring them. Or even laugh at yourself, and at them. At the end of the day, I'm sure you're not a different person than you were 6 weeks ago, its just that you're tastes have changed, so if they didn't have a problem with you then, they shouldn't now.

    If they're just content in making your life h**l, tell someone you think can help, and be content in the knowledge that while they're ignorant bullies, you're rising above it all.

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