
Help with horseback riding helmet?

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I ride western. I am going to buy a product from troxel that looks like a cowboy hat but is also a certified helmet. Awesome product but it only comes in black. I am in a Rodeo Drill Team and the uniform is that you must wear a white hat. Is there any kind of cover I could put on so I can ride in the drill team but still have my head protected? Please give me any websites or info you have.




  1. i dont do western :(

  2. Blah I hate helmets

  3. Hello,

    You might be able to paint it with fabric paint...  

    I am not certain what the exterior is made of, but they have so many different kinds of specialized paints now.  I bet you can find one that would work!

    KEEP on riding, and let me know how you like that helmet!

    EDIT>>>  I forgot to mention that many thin coats of paint, are WAY better than one thick one!  If you paint it on thick it will run!

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