
Help with how to ride hard on my motorcrosser?

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hi i am new to motorcross and ive just got a yz 125 1990 to learn on but i went down to my local pit after light rain and i kept spinning the back wheel round and falling off alot when i was trying to turn with power. my tyres are fully inflated does that matter? and when im in a staight line and gun it the back end is all over the place and i have to let off the gas! any tip would be great as i'm in a bit of pain lol.cheers simon




  1. Let the air out of your tires....but the slipping around will happen no matter what. that is a powerfull bike. try putting your foot down on turns this will make you lean and also you can easily catch yourself

  2. A lot of practice. I slipped down a lot when I first started. Motocross bikes have a lot of power and Will get out from under you with very little effort. Start by a light throttle and get it rolling, then open it up to shoot a rooster tail, Donuts are a lot harder as is jumping it PROPERLY. That requires a finesse with the throttle and brakes to keep the bike balanced. Maybe do a little research and read some things Evil Knievel wrote. Jumping basics are all the same. Maybe some of the freestyle-rs have some tips out there by now?

  3. take some air out of that back tire less air more grip but dont go to low around 8 pounds or 10 ponds should do and dont hit the throttle so hard ease into it

  4. what kind of surface?

    what tire? make and model and what state of decay?

    what the heck does 'fully inflated' mean?

    where do you keep your center of gravity?

    did you ever adjust your suspension to your weight, style and speed? since your bike is a little over-the-hill, did you ever have your fork and shocks rebuild?

    as a trials rider to me it seems most moto crossers have low to no throttle controll, if you just 'pin it' with over inflated, mostlikely worn tires, mostlikely tires designed for different surface conditions, if your bike bounces all over the place because the last @#$ owner adjusted the worn out suspension to his 300lb and then keep your *** far forward or even worse sit down ... what do you expect?

    take some rider courses, even a simple MSF dirt bike course will help you

    make sure your bike works and is adjusted to you

    and then practice, practice, practice

    we'll talk again in a few jears

  5. Sounds like you need a new rear tire to me.

    Also you could try coming out of the hole in a lower gear, that would cause more control and less spin.

    In mud, you wanna let some air outta the rear anyways, just like in da sand.

    have fun - waer a helmet

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