
Help with ice saktes?

by Guest60629  |  earlier

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I recently put a question on and the answers were great but i need to know a british web site to order offline becasue we can not get to a shop outside of where i live becuase of my mother being unable to walk far. THe question was this:

I have recently took up ice sakting and had my first try yesterday. My dad has said if i get good ican have a pair of ice skates. Are there any ice skating websites in the U.K that i can buy skates from. I live in Southampton and do any of you know a shop i the Southampton area in the U.K where i can buy a pair of skates. THey need to be new ones.

please can you help because i relly wan to get them really soon berfore i take up the lessons nad if you have any advice on ice sakting and what boots are best please can you tell me. Thank oyu. You can email me for more information on my addie on my profile. Thanks




  1. I bought mine from here: the service was brilliant.

    The ones I bought were Roces Figura Top Plus - they are great, though perhaps not the best as beginners' skates because the tongues are very thick. Roces are a very good brand though...I would suggest you get ones that you can get heat moulded as they are much more comfortable that way. If you ring everglides and tell them what sort of thing you want, they will advise you on what would be the best for you. Also have a look at the 'buying ice skates' section for lots of useful info. Good luck!

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