
Help with insurance pls?

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hi im 19 years old and i have to have insurance, i have a thyroid desiase that i have to take meds and i take brithcontrol, (which most young girls should be on) lol any ways i have some fillings done to so not only do i need health insurance i need dental too....i applyed for golden rule and they have been giving me such a hard time im goin to drop them on i think im goin back to blue cross insurance can u give me addvice or maybe a better insurace???




  1. Every insurance company is going to need your medical records for your thyroid problem before they will issue you a policy. They will look at those records to see what the diagnosis is and what treatment is recommended. They will then make a decision based on those records. They may issue the policy with a waiting period, issue the policy with an increase of premium, issue with a rider where they won't cover the thyroid, or decline you. If you are no longer covered by the Blue Cross policy they will do the same thing, you can't just go back to them unless it's a group policy.

    An annual dental exam, cleaning, and a couple of fillings will cost you less without insurance.

  2. OK, I'm going to hit this one at a time.

    1.  Any preexisting condition is likely to be excluded on a private health insurance policy.  Not a problem with thyroid, as the meds are SO cheap anyway, you're really just looking at the cost for loodwork.

    2.  most young girls should NOT be on hormone birth control pills.  Aside from the whole moral issue, it does Bad Thing to your body.  And it doesn't protect you from STD's.  

    3.  Health insurance doesn't cover dental, and dental doesn't pay out as much as it costs.

    4.  You need to get a job, with health insurance.  Yes, even if you're in college.  Lots of people can go to school full time, and work full time.  Bonus - you won't have time for the whole s*x thing, and won't have to worry about the birth control, or an unplanned pregnancy, or a fatal STD.

  3. Affordable Dental, Medical and Optical for your Entire Family

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