
Help with intensity during easy games?

by Guest58429  |  earlier

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When my team plays a team that is about the same or harder than us we always step it up and come through with the win. But when we play a team that is really easy for us, they struggle we still win but they struggle. Our coach starts to yell and brings people down and I dont like my team not being happy. So if u have any ideas of how to help my team intense when we are playing a easy team I would love to hear them thanks.

side note: they seem to think that because the team is easy we will win so they dont really try




  1. my team had the same problem. act like you need to win the game

    there are no easy teams

    just play the way you always play.

    volleyball is a very phycalogical game.

  2. well yea that happens to my volleyball team to! my coach always says that easy teams are for practicing on things you need to work on! and sometimes when you play an easy team you sink down to there level! but you always have to stay up and even if you get  a bad pass of something you cant stay down you have to just forget about it and move on!

  3. Set a goal other than winning.  Not that you should overlook any team, but if you are expecting to win, set a second goal and reward yourself for it.

    100% serves


    Keeping opponent under 10

    Or just focus on one area where you have trouble in "big" games, and set a goal in that area.

  4. OK.  That is the same with our 13 team.  WE play 12s all the time.  We just imagine them as being short 14 year-olds (a team that we just played and beat).  Just imagine them as being your level or better and then you will crush them!!!

  5. Okay, my team has the exact same problem. It sometimes will come down to you. When they are too laid back, yell. Bellow. Shriek for joy. Get them really pumped. Adrenaline will flow through their blood, and no one can fight off that feeling. It will seem to be a little less intense, but it will gradually get better.

    Use cheers. Use credit and compliments, but make them loud and proud.

    Good luck!

  6. why hurt others......

  7. i usually use a easier team as a practice. dont lose your objectives just because they are easy. i say just have fun with it and bring it down on them and smoke them. if your are having fun you will stay positive.

    my team gets negative sometimes too, and sometimes it only takes one positive person to cheer the whole team up.

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