
Help with jumping my horse higher!?

by  |  earlier

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i am jumping about 2'6 to 2'9 i think, i just wanted to know some techniques or tips since i'm going to be showing this summer.

in particular:

I have trouble steering through broken lines and

what is considered "perfect" posture?




  1. umm gymnastics! maybe build a line with trotting poles - pop/bounce - 1 stride into an upright and then 1 stride into a bigger jump. That should help with jumping higher.

    broken lines - make sure u jump in the CENTER of the jump from 1 jump to the other, walk your line correctly and know where ur going.

    mmm perfect is kinda impossible, perfect would be the lines elbow - hand - horses mouth must be strait, shoulder - hip - heel must be in line, looking up, thumbs on top, heel down, knee pushed down, hip back.. yea... try get pictures. then dont get me started on perfect jumping position :P

  2. Maybe you should go to ask for help, there are lots of horse people expert on horse

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